I will not help you build menus/build menus for you. If you have a question that is not answered on the forum topic or on these docs, then try asking in my discord server. There is however no guarantee that I will help you.
Check if it hasn’t been reported yet either on the forums or on the GitHub issues page.
Report it, make it a good report otherwise I’ll ignore it. I don’t have time to try and figure out what you’re trying to report. If there isn’t enough info provided I’ll just close or ignore the report. You want something fixed, then you should put some effort into helping me fix it.
Read the “Note” above.
Then why do you call yourself a developer if you think this is a plug and play resource. It’s called an API for a reason. You’ll need to implement this into your own resource. Similar to the C# NativeUI API.
Ask your server developer for help. This is NOT a resource to install yourself. It’s one to be implemented into other C# projects.
Check the docs and github issues page. Maybe it’s already addressed. Can’t find it? Look harder. Still can’t find it? Ask for help on the forum topic or on my discord (https://vespura.com/discord).