A menu item with a slider on the right.
// Creating 3 sliders, showing off the 3 possible variations and custom colors.
MenuSliderItem slider = new MenuSliderItem("Slider", 0, 10, 5, false);
MenuSliderItem slider2 = new MenuSliderItem("Slider + Bar", 0, 10, 5, true)
BarColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 73, 233, 111),
BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 25, 100, 43)
MenuSliderItem slider3 = new MenuSliderItem("Slider + Bar + Icons", "The icons are currently male/female because that's probably the most common use. But any icon can be used!", 0, 10, 5, true)
BarColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0),
BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 0, 0),
SliderLeftIcon = MenuItem.Icon.MALE,
SliderRightIcon = MenuItem.Icon.FEMALE
// adding the sliders to the menu.
All standard MenuItem class properties are inherited. The MenuItem properties LeftIcon, RightIcon and Label are not available for MenuSliderItems. MenuSliderItems are only available in FiveM.
Property | Type | Default value | Description | Optional |
Min | int | 0 | The minimum slider range, value must be an integer equal to or higher than 0, but less than the Max parameter. | No |
Max | int | 10 | The maximum slider range, value must be an integer higher than the min value. | No |
ShowDivider | boolean | false | Whether or not to show the white divider line in the middle of the slider. | Yes |
Position | int | 0 | The default slider position, value must be an integer between the Min and Max value (inclusive). | No |
SliderLeftIcon | Icon | Icon.NONE | An icon to show on the left side of the slider. | Yes |
SliderRightIcon | Icon | Icon.NONE | An icon to show on the right side of the slider. | Yes |
BackgroundColor | System.Drawing.Color | System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 24, 93, 151) | The slider background color. | Yes |
BarColor | System.Drawing.Color | System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 53, 165, 223) | The slider bar color. | Yes |
There are no methods available for MenuSliderItems.