A menu item with a dynamic list of values.
Anytime the left or right arrow keys are pressed, a callback function will be executed which will determine what the next value to be displayed should be.
You can also select a menu dynamic list item by pressing enter, which will trigger a separate event that you can listen for.
// The title for the menu item.
string title = "Dynamic list item.";
// The initial selected list item text.
string initialSelectedText = "0";
// Create the callback function for when the left/right arrow
// keys are pressed. Returning a new string value which will become the new
// selected text.
string ChangeCallback(MenuDynamicListItem item, bool left)
// Left will be true when the left arrow key was pressed
// and false if the right arrow key was pressed.
if (left)
return (int.Parse(item.CurrentItem) - 1).ToString();
return (int.Parse(item.CurrentItem) + 1).ToString();
// Use the ChangeCallback function from above to create a new callback delegate.
MenuDynamicListItem.ChangeItemCallback callback = new MenuDynamicListItem.ChangeItemCallback(ChangeCallback);
// optional description
string description = "Description for this dynamic item. Pressing left will make the value smaller, pressing right will make the value bigger.";
// Create the dynamic list item using the variables above.
MenuDynamicListItem dynList = new MenuDynamicListItem(title, initialSelectedText, callback, description);
// Add a menu item to a menu:
All standard MenuItem class properties are inherited. The MenuItem properties RightIcon and Label are not available for MenuDynamicListItems.
Property | Type | Default value | Description | Optional |
HideArrowsWhenNotSelected | boolean | false | Hides the left & right arrows when the menu list item is not currently highlighted. | Yes |
CurrentItem | string | Null | Gets or sets the current text that is being displayed. | No |
Callback | ChangeItemCallback | Null | The callback function to trigger when the left or right arrow key was pressed. | No |
There are no methods for MenuDynamicListItems.